Monday, November 16, 2009

An Introduction


As a single word it is not a very daunting task. Everyday the average person writes something, whether a grocery list, a resume, a letter to a dear friend across the world, one of those break-up letters so popular in middle and high school.....

Whatever the reason, writing is a crucial part of life! But it begs the question, do these little projects make us "writers"? Most people would say writing a grocery list hardly constitutes being a writer. After all, who wants to go to Barnes & Noble and purchase book entitled "Grocery Lists of the 21st Century"? Even though I'm sure there might be some interesting items; 300 packages of Ramen (courtesy of college students no doubt), Sushi grade salmon, morningstar veggie burgers, a full gutted boar (I've seen them, but can you even buy that in a normal chain grocery story??).

Anyways, I digress.

What makes you a writer? We've already nixed grocery list connoisseurs, and I think I'm a bit tired beating around the bush. Writers are people who love to do what? If you guess write you're "write" on! (C'mon now, I never said my jokes were funny). Anything from fantasy, to historical fiction, to non-fiction documentaries about penguins, if it is your passion to whip out your pad and pencil, or even your laptop, you are a writer! Congratulations!

So now you're thinking, "Great! I'm a writer! Now what?" well, that's what I'm here to explore! I want to figure out how to transition from "writer" to "author." I wish it was as easy as saying, "Well get published silly!" but it seems a lot more work goes into this transition. I don't expect it to be easy, in fact I've talked to a friend who knows more about publishing than the average human being, but walking into Barnes & Noble and seeing that author who got famous off of grocery lists gives me hope that it isn't hopeless. In this blog I'm going to keep a detailed documentary of the day-to-day struggles of a writer trying to go author. Maybe through this I'll be able to inspire others to keep their hopes up as they see me get rejected publisher after publisher, and maybe they'll feel better about their own predicaments (Shadenfreude is alive and well!).

Learn from my mistakes, I promise I'll make many, follow my journey and watch a story unfold! I'll write about where I am in the writing process (which is long and tedious!) and eventually have a working draft to send for publishing.

Should be interesting, right?

For now, I'm still writing, and I figure I'll post chapters here and there so you can follow me as I work, give me advice of your own, and even just voice an opinion! I'm about 40,000 words into a first draft (I'm not even considering going back and revising until I have an entire story written) and some days are a struggle, others are like cutting through warm butter.

Which brings me to this question that's probably on your mind, "Who are you?"

I have a simple answer. My name is Katie, I have a Bachelors Degree in English Literature and Music, but really, I'm just like you. I've had a dream for years but have never really taken the initiative to make it reality. Just like you I've started and stopped projects and always thought, "One day...." but now I'm changing it to "today." It won't be easy, I know this, but I'm ready for the fight and I hope you come along with me!

Until next time!

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